Friday, 25 September 2020

Scarecrow Competition

 Sue Coleman our wonderful community gardner challenged the children at Awahono to a scarecrow competition.  The children had to create a scarecrow that was unique and original to their class.

We think they all turned out great!

Room 5

Room 6

Room 2

Room 1

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Calendar Art 2020

 This year to help fundraise for our 2021 camp we are selling some products containing our art work.  We have had 2 art sessions with Miss Wilson to produce our art and below are samples of our work.

You can buy a calendar for $12, a set of 8 black cards for $12, a mouse pad for $14, a sketch pad for $14 and a diary for $14.

Order forms will go home in the final week of term 3 and we require all orders to be back in by Friday the 16th of October, which is the Friday of week 1 term 4.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Monday, 7 September 2020

Gangsta Granny Comes to Awahono!

 All week we had been left these cryptic clues left on the whiteboard on pieces of cabbage.  They said things like 'Not long to go now!', 'Wanna play Scrabble', 'Cabbage makes you fart' and 'Want to help steal the crown jewels?' We were so confused by all of this!!

That was until Thursday when we arrived at school and found that Mrs Bailey was tricking us all week and these were clues as to what her birthday party was going to be about. 

We arrived at school and the class was all locked but said 'Raj's Sweet Shop', 'Opens 9am'.  In the back ground 'Gangsta's Paradise' was playing out loud.  

At 9am the doors were unlocked and Miss Wilson was dressed up at Raj, then her favourite customer came was Mrs Bailey dress as Gangsta Granny!  This made us all laugh so much.  Gangsta Granny kept farting as she walked and Raj served lollies up in a cabbage wrapping because that is Ganny's favourite food!

They day was so much fun.  We could earn money to spend at Raj's Sweet Shop, played lots of 'old fashion' games like musical chairs, pass the parcel, the chocolate game, scrabble (boggle), icing cupcakes and then the day finished with a treasure hunt.  Tyler and Miss Wilson also made Mrs Bailey a cake each and they were her favourite flavour....CHOCOLATE!!

We really loved it when Mrs Wallace dressed up like the Queen of England and Mrs Bailey was Gangsta Granny in a wetsuit and scootering along the corridor.  It was the best day of 2020!!