Friday, 26 June 2020

Wearable Arts 2020

As we come to the end of term 2 we are all looking forward to our school show case known as the Awahono School Wearable Arts 2020.  The children were set a challenge to create a costume from recycled goods.  Here are some of our progress shots:

Feel free to come along and join us for this day of celebration where you will see our wonderful children shine!!

Rip Rugby

So today we all learnt something new.....there is another type of Ripper Rugby but just called Rip Rugby.  The difference between Rip Rugby and Ripper Rugby is in Rip Rugby they introduce scrums and line outs.  Once again Sport West Coast have provided us with a fantastic opportunity to develop our resilient kids even further and give them another set of skills.  It was boys verse girls and this made for great entertainment. 

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Getting Some Sport Happening!

It was so wonderful this week to be able to get back out and have a fantastic game of Ripper Rugby.  Thanks to Sport West Coast for providing some wonderful training. 

Thursday, 18 June 2020


This term Room 5 have been working on their speeches and supporting presentation.  Everyone in the class has to present a speech on a topic they are familiar with.  We are only 1 week into our presentations but the standard of the speeches has been amazing.  Well done to Taylor-Rose for being the first to present, to Cameron, Annabelle, Indea-May, Amelia, Lochie, Hunter and Tyler for all being in our first week.

Feel free to check out the children's blogs to see their presentations.  Below are some photo's of the lucky animals we got to meet.

Monday, 8 June 2020

Learning about Composing and Worm Farms

We are super lucky to have Sue Coleman who is an expert in the garden come in and teach us all about how to get our school garden up and running.  Today Sue took us to show how she composts and how her worm farm makes great fertiliser for her garden.

Also we have been super lucky to be gifted a compost bin and a worm farm from the Deans family when they left.  I hope they a proud of the progress we are making to get these two wonderful features up and running.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Measurement Fun!

The children have been looking at measurement in maths this week and of course there is not better way to learn about measurement than to get hands on!!  We were looking at volume and capacity, using various types of scales, measuring small things and big things.  Here is a look at us hard at work...